Meditation and stretching

Enter the world of Meditation Magic!

Stretch for the mind and body. Immerse yourself in relaxing poses to unwind and re-focus your mind.

Age 5-11



Play Shop Leader: Selina Zaman

Selina has 9 years of experience in health, nutrition and physical training.  She has worked with all age ranges and backgrounds. She is fluent in Urdu and punjabi and runs Council approved fitness and nutrional courses aimed at ages and ablities. She runs a range of classes from intense workouts to seated exercises. She helps individuals with all their fitness needs. She has spent 4 years in a secondary school environment working with students and adults to achieve their fitness goals.

The PlayShop

Students will learn to stretch and meditate. They will learn skills to allow then to relax and engage muscles in all places of the body. Students will learn basic Yoga moves including child’s pose, cobra etc.

Slower controlled skills, breathing techniques and balancing.

Benefits of Stretch and Relaz

Mental well-being


Selena is a Tutor with Tutors4berkshire.



Price Information:

£5 for each Playshop.
20% discount for 3 sessions or more. Use the code: SH20DISC

Free for children entitled to free school meals.
Send an email at to get a discount code.