Bollywood Dancing

Finding the next Superstar!

A high-energy session for children to explore new body movements and have fun learning dance routines, which later can be performed in any event. The child will leave the session with a  a spring in their step and happy to take on the world.

Age 5-11


The playshop details:

Bollywood Dance is the dance-form usually from mainstream Indian cinema. The dance moves are a combination of different dance forms from around the world and is a fusion of these dance styles. The dance includes several formations and are shot most of the times in natural locations and architectural sites with a large number of background dancers in colorful costumes.

During the workshop, kids are taught to experiment with different motions such as gliding, jumping, twisting etc to different genre of music.

All the moves have been catered to suit all children. However, the movements can be further simplified depending on their ability.

Benefits of Dancing:

Dancing activates and strengthens all the different muscles in the body and also develop kinaesthetic memory from an early age.

Skills developed during the workshop:

1. Develop movement control

2. Coordination and strength

3. Spatial Awareness

4. Listening and understanding