Yoga for children

I can roar like a lion, swim like a dolphin, and fly like a bird!

Exploring self and others through fun yoga. This playshop is focused on nurturing children to be calm, creative and resilient through the discipline and playfulness of yoga.

Age 5-11



Play Shop Leader: Daniela Alessi

Over 20 years of direct work teaching and working with children.

The PlayShop

Children will be guided to and learn how to express themselves through postures and play. Watch the children transform their bodies and mind as they explore the role of different animals.

The children will be playing games, whilst learingin vital breathing techniques and streatching to clear their mind and body.

Benefits of learning yoga

  1. Cultivates physical strength, emotional intelligence and mental clarity.
  2. How to manage difficult emotions and clam oneself through breath and posture.
  3. Understanding of self and others through play, games and fun.

They can take these life skills off the mat into everyday life to cope in challenging situations.

After School Club by Tutors4Berkshire



Call Alina: 07526 599440

Price Information:

£5 for each Playshop.
20% discount for 3 sessions or more. Use the code: SH20DISC

Free for children entitled to free school meals.
Send an email at to get a discount code.